
Elevator2Flaps are set per flightmode
Elevator2Ailerons are set per flightmode
Choice for Elevator Up, Down or both sides mix, per flightmode.
This allows to only have the flaps and/or ailerons applied with elevator up, down or both directions.
Choice for applying the commong limiters per flightmode. You can activate the common limiters to apply a deadband and a rate limt.
This allows snapflap to be inactive for small elevator movements (deadband) and limited to a certain elevator defelction (rate limiter).
Set common deadBandLimit value. Elevator input below this value will be ignored. Value in percentage of elevator travel, no matter what rates setting is used
Set common rateLimit value. ELevator input beyond that level will be ignored, and set tpo the max level. Again, expressed in maximum elevator deflection, not in stick deflections.